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Understanding the history of mathematics
Understanding the history of mathematics
Children will likely learn their basic math skills in school but most K-12 curriculums overlook the history of mathematics itself. This subject may prove especially helpful to a child experiencing challenges in math, as they will see that the subject has been a culmination of years of hard work and discovery, a process built upon by bright and industrious individuals.
The term “mathematics” originates from Greek root words that tell us that the subject, at its heart, is about learning, not about numbers. Mathematics did not develop out of idleness and boredom but instead out of a human desire for organization, a need to measure, calculate, estimate, and make everyday activities more efficient. The counting of basic supplies and necessities- crops, food and animals - led to the more complex counting of time, eventually leading to days, seasons and years. As human civilizations developed and grew, so did the need for math. Every science relies upon basic mathematical rules in its practice.
Each culture has had its own important developments in mathematics. Babylonian mathematicians, working in 2000 B.C.E., developed theories that were later tested and built upon by dedicated Greek thinkers. Indian mathematicians working from 1500-1600 C.E. developed the concepts of zero and infinity as well as negative, irrational, and binary numbers. The Arab countries were known to use three different types of counting systems in the eleventh century: finger-reckoning arithmetic, the sexagesimal system, and the Indian numeral system. The finger-reckoning system had numbers written in words and counting done on fingers. The business community prevailing at that time made extensive use of this system. The sexagesimal system used numerals denoted by letters of the Arabic alphabet and was primarily used by Arabic mathematicians for astronomical work while the Indian numeral system utilized Indian numerals and fractions with the decimal place-value system allowing most of the advances in numerical methods by the Arabs.
While mathematics continued to progress throughout Greece and later in Europe, the efficiency with which math was calculated improved as well. Mathematical symbols became more organized, allowing for new and important discoveries in the field. Your children should understand that mathematics was born out of necessity, developed out of curiosity and a desire for efficiency, and was perpetuated by teamwork.

This post was written by: Yousuf
who is working hard to post Math material from all over the world on Mathnews.
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