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My Aim In Life
Aim is very importantin life,it provides direction to our energies.it strengthens and emboldens,it gives us stimulusto work and act.it is the main source of inspiration.Robert browning says,the aim if reached or not makes great the life’ Aimless life is certainly a sin. Many people have no definite aim in life. They are like the travelers going a head without any destination. Such people lead an aimless life and what they do in life, is largely a matter of chance, determined by the circumstances in which they happen to be placed. Aimless people do not achieve any thing in life. They just live because they have to live.when you donot know what harbour you are making for no wind is the right wind. One should have a definite purpose of life. The people who want success in life, first of all, determine their target. They keep before them their circumstances, their virtuous, their qualities, their talents and their ability to work. They select some definite target of their life and remain successful.
Different people have different aims in life. Some aim at wealth, some at power, some at fame, some at business and some at education and knowledge. My aim is neither wealth nor fame. I wish to serve by country with best of my talent. I love Pakistan and I really believe that every body should think to make it a really great country. I want to become a doctor. It is a noble profession. In medical line, there is much more scope of service. On can serve the patients every where in the country. This is my personal choice. My parents have compelled me to select it. I wish to become a very successful doctor in future. So I am studying hard to achieve my target. I have keen interest in medical line, so I do not feel any trouble in studying at all. After obtaining the medical degree, I plan to work in rural areas where there is much shortage of doctors. My father is well off man and I do not have any financial problem. I do not have the lust of money. I will go to the rural areas and shall help the poor people. I would be best sort of service. This will give me extreme satisfaction and that is the aim of my life.
I know, my profession is very dignified and it will help me to get peace and satisfaction in life. It provides you best chances of service.People have dreams in their lives. Many aspire to be rich or to become business tycoons. Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers. Some aspire to become the leading hooligans and anti-social elements of their localities or cities and this is a bad aspiration. There are others who have a craze for becoming poets, writers and novelists while most of us generally have a desire of becoming engineers, doctors and scientists of great repute. There are very few persons who are happy-go-lucky by nature and have no clear-cut aims in their lives.I do not have very ambitious aims in my life. I do not wish to become a mill-owner or a multi-millionaire. The some object of my life is to lead a life of simplicity and goodness devoted to the service of humanity. The life of a professional leader or a politician would not suit me as most of such persons have become parasites on the society.I was born of middle-class parents. From the very beginning, I have been passing through the struggles of life. I have seen cut-throat competition in most of the professions. Its consequences have been far-reaching; people are demoralised. Examples can be quoted in which, we can find the engineers accepting big bribes, lawyers rescuing guilty persons or murderers ami doctors demanding money from the patients at the operation.The motto of this life, ‘simple living and high thinking’ & inspires me to take up this profession. I know that a teacher is lotted to be poor. He leads a life of drudgery, busy in correcting exercise-books or answer books of the students, There are no stirring event in his life.Inspite of these hardships 1 would like to become a teacher. I have reasons and considerations for adopting this profession. Since my early childhood, 1 have the days of developed affection for the young children. In my view, they are delicate and beautiful like the petals of a flower. If feel that as a teacher, I can help the Students in widening their outlook by giving them knowledge. I shall help the country by producing better citizens. Moreover, the company of the young children would also help me in remaining young and fresh in thoughts and outlook. Besides rendering all these important services, I shall also have the means of subsistence. I have a great faith in the life of a noble and an ideal teacher because teachers are the custodians of the highest values.Many people seem to have no definite aim in life. They are like ships without rudder or compass, sailing to no definite port, blown hither and thither with every change of wind. They live an aimless life and what they become is largely a matter of chance, determined by circumstances in which they happen to be placed. An ideal person keeps before him an ideal. He always strives to achieve his ideal. It is always something beyond our present attainment; for when we realize it, it ceases to be an ideal. Because it is beyond our reach and because we greatly desire it, our aim in life, whatever it be rouses us to put forth effort to reach it. A man who has the aim of climbing a mountain climbs..Intellectuals aim at achieving excellence in art, science or similar field. They do not bother about the tall talk of the people. They always struggle to fulfill their aim in life. They want to have store of knowledge and achieve great heights of fame and glory. They feel elevated when they get scholarships or prizes, national and international. An artist wants to make a masterpiece. His aim in life is to make a work of art that should be immortal in the world of art. A statesman aims at carrying through great schemes for his country' s advancement; a devout man has before him a high ideal of goodness and is not satisfied till he attains it.To conclude we may say that a person should have a noble aim in life. He should strive hard honestly, sincerely and laboriously to achieve it.

This post was written by: Yousuf
who is working hard to post Math material from all over the world on Mathnews.
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1 Respones to "My Aim In Life"
Dear Sir
i thnk aim in life se zyda important apne talent ke mitabiq apna profession chose krna he
plz es bare me b kuch post karen
June 23, 2011 at 2:19 AM
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