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basic terms used in mathematics
some of the most important mathematical terms with their
explanations are given below:
Basic math glossary-
A define words beginning with the letter A
Absolute value: Distance of a number from zero
Acute angle: An angle whose measure is less than 90 degrees
Acute triangle: A triangle that has three acute angles
Addend: Of the numbers being added in an addition problem.
Addition: Finding a sum of two or more numbers
Angle: Two rays with the same endpoint or vertex
Area: The amount of space inside a shape or a two-dimensional figure, measured in square units
Average: The number obtained as a result of adding two or more quantities and dividing the sum by the numbers of quantities
Axis: One of the reference lines in a coordinate system
B define words beginning with the letter B
b: This letter is an abbreviation for b
Bar graph: A graph that make use of bars in order to give a visual representation that can be used compare data or amounts of sizes
Base: In a polygon, the base represents one side of a polygon used to find area
Base: In percentage the base represents the amount you are taking a part or percent of
Base: In multiplication with exponents, the base represents the number being multiplied or a factor
Bisect: In geometry, bisect is the process by which one uses a ruler and a compass to cut an angle in half
C define words beginning with the letter C
Capacity: The amount a container or a unit will hold when full
Centimeter: A measure of length equal to the width a a large paper clip
Circle: A plane figure whose points are located at a fixed distance from the center.
Circle graph: A pictorial way to compare amounts using circles or segments of a circle.
Circumference: The perimeter or distance around a circle.
Commission: The amount of the total money paid for a service.
Common denominator: Common multiple of one or two denominators located at a fixed distance from the centre.
Common factors: For two numbers, the common factor is a number that can divide the two numbers evenly
Comparison: Comparing two numbers to see which is the larger.
Composite number: A number that has more than 2 factors.
Cone: A solid figure with a circular based plane, connected to a point called the vertex.
Conversion: The action of changing a unit to a different unit of measure.
Conversion factor: A number you multiply by to change to another unit of measure.
Cross product: The answer obtained by multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction.
Cube: A prism with square sides and faces
Currency: Money.
Currency: Ordinary or usual.
Cylinder: A solid figure with two congruent circular bases that is parallel.
D define words beginning with the letter D
Data: Information that we collect
Decimal places: The positions to the right of the decimal point
Decimal number: All numbers in the base10 number system that has one or more numbers in the decimal places.
Decimal point: In a decimal number, it is a period that is used to separate the whole number from the numbers in the decimal places
Degree: A measure of angles. It is equal to 1/360 of a circle The amount a container or a unit will hold when full
Denominator: In a fraction, It is the number below the fraction bar
Diameter: The distance across a circle through the center
Difference: The answer to a subtraction problem.
Digit: Any of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
Dimensions: Length, width, or height of the size of an geometric figure
Discount: A reduction made from the regular price
Discount rate: The percent that the price is reduced
Dividend: The number being divided
Divisibility: Able to be divided evenly
Divisible: Able to be divided without a remainder
Division: The process of dividing two numbers to find how many times one number is contained into another number
Divisor: The number by which you are dividing
E define words beginning with the letter E
Equation: Two mathematical expressions that are separated by an equal sign
Equidistant: Same distance
Equilateral triangle: A triangle that has three equal sides
Equivalent fractions: Fractions that are equal in values but have different numerators and denominators.
Estimate: An approximation for the real value.
Exponent: The number that tells how many times the base is multiplied by itself.
Even number: A number that has no remainder when divided by 2.
F define words beginning with the letter F
Face: Any of the plane surfaces of a solid
Factor: A number that is being multiplied in a multiplication problem
Fibonacci numbers : A sequence in which, except for the first and the second number, each number is the sum of the two preceding numbers.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8....
Figure: A two or three-dimensional figure such as a square, a cube, or a sphere.
Finite: Finite means that you’re set, may it be numbers or objects, has an end or definable limits.
Fluid ounce: One-sixteenth of a pint
Formula: mathematical equation that states a general fact, principle, or rule.
Fraction: A part of a whole number.
Fractional form: A number expressed as a fraction
G define words beginning with the letter G
g: g is an abbreviation for gram.
Gallon: A unit of liquid capacity that is equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters
GCF: An abbreviation for greatest common factor
Geometry: The study of size and shape of points, lines, angles, surfaces, and solid figures
Gram: A measure of mass that is approximately equal to the weight of a paper clip, penny, or nickel
Graph: A visual display of information
Greater than: Bigger or larger than
Greatest common factor: The largest factor of two or more numbers.
Greatest common divisor: The greatest factor that divides two or more numbers evenly. The greatest common factor is called greatest common divisor if it is used to simplify fractions
H defines words beginning with the letter H
h: h is an abbreviation for height.
Height: The distance from bottom to top.
Heptagon: A polygon that has seven sides.
Hexagon: A polygon with six angles and six sides.
Hexagonal prism: A prism that has hexagonal faces.
Histogram: A histogram is a graphical way to display information or data using bar.
Horizontal: A line that has no slope.
Horizontal axis: One of the axes in the coordinate system that has a slope of zero.
Hypotenuse: The longest side in a right triangle. The longest side is the one opposite to the right angle.
I define words beginning with the letter I
Improper fraction: A fraction with a bigger numerator than a denominator.
Infinite: With no end or limit.
Integers: The set of all whole numbers and their opposites.
Intersecting lines:Lines that meet or cross in the same plane.
Invert: In a fraction, it means to switch the position of the numerator with the denominator.
For example, inverting 2/5 gives 5/2
Irrational number: A number that cannot be expressed as a fraction.
For example, square-root (2) and square-root (3) are irrational number because they cannot b written as a fraction.
Isosceles triangles: A triangle that has two equal sides.
K defines words beginning with the letter K
kg: An abbreviation for kilogram.
Kilogram: The measure of mass that is equal to 1000 grams or has a weight approximately equal to 1 liter of water or 4 rolls of quarters.
Kiloliter: The measure of capacity that is equal to 1000 liters or approximately to a small wading pool.
Kilometer: A measure of distance that is equal to 1000 meters,a little more than half a mile, or about five city blocks
kL: An abbreviation for kiloliter.
Km: An abbreviation for kilometer.
km2: square kilometer. It is also equal to 1,000,000 square meter
L defines words beginning with the letter L
l: An abbreviation for length.
L: An abbreviation for liter.
LCD: An abbreviation for least common denominator.
LCM: An abbreviation for least common multiple.
Least common denominator: The smallest denominator that is a multiple of two or more denominators.
Least common multiple: The smallest number that two or more number will divide.
Length: The distance from end to end.
Less than: Smaller than.
Like denominators: Fractions with the same denominators. When fractions have the same denominator, they are called like fractions
Length: The distance from end to end.
Linear equation: An equation whose graph is a straight line.
Linear measurement: Measurement of distance or length.
Line graph: A graph made up line segments that are connected together.
Line segment: Part of a line with two endpoints
List price: Regular price of an item.
Liter: A measure of capacity that is equal to that of a coffee can or a little bit more than one-fourth of a gallon .
M defines words beginning with the letter M
m: An abbreviation for meter.
m2: square meter.
m3: cubic meter.
Map distance: The distance or length between two points when measured on a map.
Mass: The quantity of matter in an object.
Mean: Also known as average, it is calculated by adding all numbers in a set divided by the total number of numbers in the set.
Median: The middle number when a set is put in order from least to greatest or from greatest to least. When there are two numbers in the middle, it is found by taking the average of the two numbers.
Meter: A measure of length that is equal to the height of a doorknob.
Metric system: A measurement system based on powers of 10
mg: An abbreviation for milligram.
Midpoint: A point on a segment that divides the segment into two equal parts.
Milligram: A measure of mass that is equal to 1/10 of a grain of rice.
Minimum: Smallest.
Milliliter: A measure of capacity that is equal to that of an eye dropper
Millimeter: A measure of length that is equal to the width of a grain of rice approximately.
Minus: Subtract
Mixed number: A number that is written as a fraction and a whole number.
Mode: In set of data, it is the item(s) that appear(s) more often
ML: An abbreviation for milliliter.
Mm: An abbreviation for millimeter
mm2: square millimeter
mm3: cubic millimeter.
Multiple bar graph: A graph with more than one type of bar
Multiple: The product of a number by a whole number.
Multiplication: The process of adding a number by itself many times.
Multiplicative inverse: The multiplicative inverse of a number is the reciprocal of the number.
N defines words beginning with the letter N
n: A letter than can be used to stand for an unknown number.
Natural numbers: The number 1 and any other number obtained by adding 1 repeatedly.
Negative exponent: An exponent that is less than 0.
Negative integer: A whole number less than 0.
Negative number: A number that is less than 0.
Nth root of a number: A number multiplied by itself n times to get the number.
Number line: A line whose points are real numbers
Numerator: The number above the fraction bar.
Numeral: Related to numbers.
O defines words beginning with the letter O
Oblique angle: An angle that is not a right angle, which means the angle can be acute or obtuse.
Obtuse angle: An angle whose measure is bigger than 90 degrees.
Obtuse triangle: A triangle with one obtuse angle.
Octagon: A polygon with 8 sides and 8 angles.
Negative number: A number that is less than 0.
Odd number: A number that cannot be divided evenly by 2.
Open statement: Also known as open sentence, it is an equation that is neither true or false. For example, n + 6 = 9 is an open statement because we do not know n. Therefore, we have no clue if it is true or false
Order: Sequence from smallest to largest.
Ordered pair: The x and y values that give the location of point in a coordinate system.
Origin: The point where the x-axis and the y-axis intersect with coordinates (0,0).
Ounce: A unit of weight equal to 1/16 of a pound
P defines words beginning with the letter P
Parallel lines: Lines that never intersect or cross one another on a plane.
Parallelogram: A quadrilateral with two pairs of equal and parallel sides.
Partial product: In a multiplication problem with at least two digits, it is the answer obtained when we multiply a digit in the first number by every digit in the other number.
Pentagon: A polygon with 5 sides.
Percent: Part per one hundred.
Percentage: The answer obtained after a number is multiplied by a percent.
Perimeter: The distance around the outside of a closed figure
Perpendicular lines: Lines that form 4 right angles when they meet or intersect.
Pi: The ratio of the perimeter of a circle to the diameter.
Pictograph: A graph that make use of pictures to display information.
Pint: A measure of liquid capacity that is equal to 16 fluid ounces
Place value: The value of the place of a digit in a number.
Plane: A flat surface that extends forever in all directions.
Point: A location in space represented by a dot.
Polygon: A closed geometric figure with at least 3 sides.
Positive integer: A whole number bigger than 0.
Power of ten: The product of multiplying ten by itself one or more times. For example, 105 is the product of multiplying 10 by itself 5 times.
Thus, 105 = 10 × 10 × 10 × 10 × 10
Prefix: In the metric system, it is a set of letters placed before a unit to form new words.
Previous balance: In consumer math, it is the amount owed before a payment is made
Prime factorization: A number written as the product of its prime factors only.
Prime number: A number than can be divided evenly only by one and the number itself.
Principal: Amount borrowed or invested.
Product: The answer to a multiplication problem
Proper fraction: A fraction with a smaller numerator than a denominator.
Proportion: two equal ratios.
Protractor: A geometric instrument used to measure or draw angles.
Pyramid: A solid figure that has triangular sides and a base that is a polygon
Q defines words beginning with the letter Q
Quadrant: One of the four parts of Cartesian coordinate system.
Quadrilateral: A polygon that has four sides.
Quadruple: To make four times as big.
Quart: A measure of liquid capacity that is equal to two pints.
Quintic: A polynomial that has a degree of five. For example, x5 + 4x3 - 6 is a quintic. Note that the degree is a term with the highest exponent
Quotient: The answer to a division problem.
R defines words beginning with the letter R
Radius: The distance from the center of a circle to the edge of a circle.
Rate: Rate means percent.
Rate of commission: A percent used to calculate the commission.
Rate of interest: A percent charged when borrowing money.
Ratio: The comparison of two numbers using division
Ray: A line with a beginning point but no endpoint.
Real distance: As opposed to distance on a map, it is the actual distance between two locations.
Rectangle: A parallelogram with four right angles.
Rectangular prism: A prism that has rectangular faces
Reflex angle: An angle whose measure is bigger than 180 degrees, but less than 360 degrees.
Remainder: The amount left over when a number does not divide another number evenly.
Rectangle: A parallelogram with four right angles.
Repeating decimal: A decimal where the same series of digits repeat
Rhombus: A parallelogram with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal.
Right angle: An angle whose measure is 90 degrees.
Right triangle: A triangle with one right angle.
Rhombus: A parallelogram with four equal sides and opposite angles that are equal.
S define words beginning with the letter S
Sales tax: Tax paid when buying an item.
Scale: The ratio of the actual size to the size on a map.
Scale drawing: Shrinking or enlarging the actual size of an object.
Scalene triangle: A triangle with no equal sides.
Scatter gram: Also known as scatter plot, it is the set of points plotted on a coordinate system whose coordinates represent the values of two variables.
Scientific notation: A number between one and 10 multiplied by a power of ten
Secant of a circle: A line that intersects a circle in exactly two points
Sector: A part of a circle bounded by two radii.
Segment: A line with a beginning point and an endpoint.
Simplest form: A fraction in which the numerator and the denominator have been reduced until there is no common factor bigger than one between them.
Simplify: To express in simplest form.
Skew lines: Lines in space that are not on the same plane (or are not coplanar) and never meet.
Sphere: A solid figure that has a curved surface like a soccer ball in which all points on the surface are at the same distance from the center. Examples of sphere are the earth, a soccer ball, a ping pong ball, etc...
Sprocket: A wheel that has teeth and pulling a chain.
Square: A rectangle with 4 equal sides.
Square unit: A measure of area.
Straight angle: An angle that measures 180 degrees. A straight angle looks like a straight line
Subtraction: The arithmetic operation of taking away an amount from another to get the difference.
Sum: The answer to an addition problem.
T defines words beginning with the letter T
Tax rate: The percent charged as tax.
Tip: The amount of money paid for a service.
Tip rate: The percent paid as tip.
Transversal: A line that cuts or intersect at least two other lines.
Trapezoid: A quadrilateral that has one pair of parallel sides and one pair non-parallel sides.
Triangle: A polygon with three sides.
Triangular prism: A prism with triangular faces.
Tree diagram: A diagram displaying the different outcomes of an experiment.
U defines words beginning with the letter U
Unit: A quantity used as standard in measurement. For example, we have units of capacity, mass, time, and weight
Unit price: Price paid for each unit.
Unknown term: The number that is missing in a proportion.
Unlike denominators: Different denominators.
Unlike terms: Terms with different variables and/or different exponents.
V defines words beginning with the letter V
Variable: A letter that is used to stand for an unknown number.
Vertex: The point where two rays intersect.
Vertical: Going straight up or down as opposed to going from left to right or from right to left.
Vertical axis: In the Cartesian coordinate system, it is the vertical line, or the one called y-axis.
Volume: A measurement of capacity that measures the number of cubit units in a container.
W define words beginning with the letter W
w: w is an abbreviation for width.
Weight: A measure of how heavy an object is.
Whole numbers: Whole numbers include the natural numbers and 0, such as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,...
Width: The distance across or the measure of how wide something is.
X defines words beginning with the letter X
x-axis: The horizontal number line that passes through the origin in the Cartesian coordinate system.
X-coordinate: In an ordered pair, it is the first value that describes the location of points in the Cartesian coordinate system.
X-intercept: It is the x value or coordinates where a line or curve crosses the x-axis. In this situation, the y-value is always equal to zero
Y defines words beginning with the letter Y
Y-axis: The vertical number line that passes through the origin in the Cartesian coordinate system.
X-coordinate: In an ordered pair, it is the second value that describes the location of points in the Cartesian coordinate system.
Y-intercept: It is the y value or coordinates where a line or curve crosses the y-axis. In this situation, the x-value is always equal to zero
Z defines words beginning with the letter Z
Zero: The first whole number. It has the property that every number added to it equal the number.
Tags: basic terms used in mathematics

This post was written by: Yousuf
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