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ability test

Ability Tests 

Ability tests have a long and established reputation for reliably predicting job performance and can prove invaluable in helping to select individuals for roles. Cubiks is able to offer clients a series of ability tests in online and paper formats. We provide versions for use in both supervised and unsupervised conditions.

As well as providing standard ability tests, we also have a proven track record in developing bespoke online ability test item banks for large-scale corporate and graduate recruitment.

In all cases, the questions in our tests are designed to be relevant to a business context and to be broadly reflective of the reasoning skills required in most jobs. This guarantees credibility and ensures that candidates perceive the tests as true measures of ability.

The following tests are available to clients via the Cubiks Online assessment platform:

Reasoning for Business ability test series

Reasoning for Business 

The Reasoning for Business ability tests series includes a variety of tests that cover different areas of business reasoning. The tests have been designed for two key levels of application - Managerial & Graduate and Business Support.
Managerial & Graduate

VerbalThis assessment has been designed to examine an individual’s ability to comprehend written information and to understand and analyse the logic of written arguments. Questions ask individuals to interpret and draw inferences from business-oriented data and then solve problems related to this information.

NumericalThis assessment measures an individual’s ability to analyse and draw logical inferences from numerical data using basic arithmetic and computational skills that are common to the workplace. It has been designed to determine an individual’s ability to work with numbers and involves questions based on data presented in a variety of forms including graphs, diagrams and statistical tables.

Diagrammatic (Inductive Reasoning)This assessment measures an individual’s ability to analyse and draw logical inferences from diagrammatically presented data, and as such is a test of reasoning ability that is independent of pre-existing numerical or verbal skills. The test taker is required to identify similarities and differences between groups of patterns and then to apply this understanding to help categorise additional patterns.
Business Support

VerbalThis assessment also measures an individual’s ability to comprehend written information and to understand and analyse the logic of written arguments. It has been designed to assess Business Support staff.

NumericalThis assessment has been designed to measure an individual's ability to analyse and draw logical inferences from numerical data using basic arithmetic and computational skills. 


Our Problem-Solving test series  has been designed to assess how quickly and accurately an individual can solve new problems. It contains a series of questions that cover both numerical and verbal problems.

The verbal questions include:

The participant must choose which word from a group of five has the opposite meaning to another word.

Deviation from category

The participant must decide which one of five words has a different meaning from the others.

Pairs of concepts

The participant has to decide whether two words have the same meaning, the opposite meaning, or neither the same nor the opposite meaning.

Verbal analogy

The participant has to decide whether the underlying meaning or idea in two statements is the same, the opposite, or neither the same nor the opposite.

Logical reasoning

The participant is shown three statements and is asked to decide whether the logic is correct, incorrect, or not possible to deduce.

The numerical problems cover:

Series of numbers
The participant has to complete a series of numbers by determining the underlying rule that connects the construction of the series.

Simple calculations
The participant has to make simple calculations.

Complex calculations
The participant has to make complex calculations.

In some situations, companies will choose to test clients more than once, and for this reason, Problem Solving exists in a number of different versions.

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