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Quantitative Comparision - v

Name: Quantitative Comparision - v

  1. Diagram is illustrative and is not drawn to scale.
    Quantity A: Measure of angle 2 + Measure of angle 3
    Quantity B: 180o

    1. Quantity B is greater
    2. Quantity A is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : C

  2. Diagram is illustrative and is not drawn to scale.
    AB is the diameter of the circle.

    Quantity A: Measure of angle 1
    Quantity B: Measure of angle 2

    1. Relationship Indeterminate
    2. Quantity A is greater
    3. Quantity B is greater
    4. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    Ans : D

  3. Diagram is illustrative and is not drawn to scale.
    Quantity A: Measure of angle 1 + Measure of angle 3
    Quantity B: Measure of angle 2 + Measure of angle 4

    1. Relationship Indeterminate
    2. Quantity A is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Quantity B is greater
    Ans : A

  4. Diagram is illustrative and is not drawn to scale.
    In triangle ABC, AB = AC and measure of angle 1 = 100o.

    Quantity A: Measure of angle 2 + Measure of angle 3
    Quantity B: 90o

    1. Quantity B is greater
    2. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    3. Relationship Indeterminate
    4. Quantity A is greater
    Ans : A

  5. Diagram is illustrative and is not drawn to scale.
    Given angles 1 and 2 are equal,
    length of side AB = x, length of side BC = y, length of side AC = z.

    Quantity A: x + y
    Quantity B: y + z

    1. Quantity B is greater
    2. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    3. Quantity A is greater
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : B
  6. x and y are both positive and x/y > 5
    Quantity A: 0.2x
    Quantity B: y

    1. Quantity B is greater
    2. Relationship Indeterminate
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Quantity A is greater
    Ans : D
  7. yz < 0
    Quantity A: (y - z)2
    Quantity B: y2 + z2

    1. Quantity A is greater
    2. Quantity B is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : A
  8. For any positive integer n,
    n! is the product of all positive integers less than or equal to n.
    Quantity A: 20! / 17!
    Quantity B: 80! / 78!

    1. Quantity A is greater
    2. Quantity B is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : A
  9. 2 < z < 4
    Quantity A: π2z3
    Quantity B: π3z2

    1. Quantity A is greater
    2. Quantity B is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : D
  10. Amy, Beth and Charlie divided a pizza amongst themselves.
    Amy took 30% of the pizza and ate (3/4) of what she took.
    Beth took 20% of the pizza.
    Charlie ate (2/5) of what he took.
    Quantity A: The amount Amy ate
    Quantity B: The amount Charlie ate

    1. Quantity A is greater
    2. Quantity B is greater
    3. Quantity A equals Quantity B
    4. Relationship Indeterminate
    Ans : A

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