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Section - Analytical Writing
Section - Analytical Writing
Time - 75 Minutes
2 Writing Tasks
Task 1 : Issue Exploration - 45 Minutes
Directions: In 45 minutes, choose one of the two following topics and compose an essay on that topic. You may not write on any other topic. Write your essay on separate sheets of paper.
Each topic is presented in a one - to two - sentence quotation commenting on an issue of general concern. Your essay may support, refute, or qualify the views expressed in the quotation. Whatever you write, however, must be relevant to the issue under discussion, and you must support your viewpoint with reasons and examples derived from your studies and/or experience.
Before you choose a topic, consider which would give you greater scope for writing an effective, well-argued essay.
Your essay will be judged on the basis of your skill in the following areas.
Analyze the quotation's implications
Organization and articulation of your ideas
Use of relevant examples and arguments to support your case
Handling of the mechanics of standard written English
Once you have decided which topic you prefer, click on the appropriate icon to confirm your choice. Do not be hasty confirming your choice of topic. Once you have clicked on a topic, you will not be able to switch to the alternate choice.
Topic 1
"We venerate loyalty---to our schools, employers, institutions, friends---as a virtue, Loyalty, however, can be at least as detrimental an influence as it can be a beneficial one."
Topic 2
"A person who does not thoroughly comprehend the technical side of a craft is incapable of judging it."
Task 2: Argument Analysis - 30 Minutes
Directions: In 30 minutes, prepare a critical analysis of an argument expressed in a short paragraph. You may not offer an analysis of any other argument. Write your essay on separate sheets of paper.
As you critique the argument, think about the author's underlying assumptions. Ask yourself whether any of them are questionable. Also evaluate any evidence any evidence the author brings up. Ask yourself whether it actually supports the author's conclusion.
In your analysis, you may suggest additional kinds of evidence to reinforce the author's argument. You may also suggest methods to refute the argument, or additional data that might be useful to you as you assess the soundness of the argument. You may not, however, present your personal views on the topic. Your job is to analyze the elements of an argument, not to support of contradict that argument.
Faculty members from various institutions will judge your essay, assessing it on the basis of your skill in the following areas:
Identification and assessment of the argument's main elements
Organization and articulation of your thoughts
Use of relevant examples and arguments to support your case
Handling of the mechanics of standard written English
The following appeared in an editorial in the Bayside Sentinel.
"Bayside citizens need to consider raising local taxes if they want to see improvements in the Bayside School District. Test scores, graduation and college admission rates, and a number of other indicators have long made it clear that the Bayside School District is doing a poor job education our youth. Our schools look run down. Windows are broken, bathrooms unusable, and classroom equipment hopelessly out of date. Yet just across the Bay, in New Harbor, school facilities are up-to-date and in good condition. The difference is money; New Harbor spends twenty-seven percent more per student than Bayside does, and test scores and other indicators of student performance are stronger in New Harbor as well.
Time - 75 Minutes
2 Writing Tasks
Task 1 : Issue Exploration - 45 Minutes
Directions: In 45 minutes, choose one of the two following topics and compose an essay on that topic. You may not write on any other topic. Write your essay on separate sheets of paper.
Each topic is presented in a one - to two - sentence quotation commenting on an issue of general concern. Your essay may support, refute, or qualify the views expressed in the quotation. Whatever you write, however, must be relevant to the issue under discussion, and you must support your viewpoint with reasons and examples derived from your studies and/or experience.
Before you choose a topic, consider which would give you greater scope for writing an effective, well-argued essay.
Your essay will be judged on the basis of your skill in the following areas.
Analyze the quotation's implications
Organization and articulation of your ideas
Use of relevant examples and arguments to support your case
Handling of the mechanics of standard written English
Once you have decided which topic you prefer, click on the appropriate icon to confirm your choice. Do not be hasty confirming your choice of topic. Once you have clicked on a topic, you will not be able to switch to the alternate choice.
Topic 1
"We venerate loyalty---to our schools, employers, institutions, friends---as a virtue, Loyalty, however, can be at least as detrimental an influence as it can be a beneficial one."
Topic 2
"A person who does not thoroughly comprehend the technical side of a craft is incapable of judging it."
Task 2: Argument Analysis - 30 Minutes
Directions: In 30 minutes, prepare a critical analysis of an argument expressed in a short paragraph. You may not offer an analysis of any other argument. Write your essay on separate sheets of paper.
As you critique the argument, think about the author's underlying assumptions. Ask yourself whether any of them are questionable. Also evaluate any evidence any evidence the author brings up. Ask yourself whether it actually supports the author's conclusion.
In your analysis, you may suggest additional kinds of evidence to reinforce the author's argument. You may also suggest methods to refute the argument, or additional data that might be useful to you as you assess the soundness of the argument. You may not, however, present your personal views on the topic. Your job is to analyze the elements of an argument, not to support of contradict that argument.
Faculty members from various institutions will judge your essay, assessing it on the basis of your skill in the following areas:
Identification and assessment of the argument's main elements
Organization and articulation of your thoughts
Use of relevant examples and arguments to support your case
Handling of the mechanics of standard written English
The following appeared in an editorial in the Bayside Sentinel.
"Bayside citizens need to consider raising local taxes if they want to see improvements in the Bayside School District. Test scores, graduation and college admission rates, and a number of other indicators have long made it clear that the Bayside School District is doing a poor job education our youth. Our schools look run down. Windows are broken, bathrooms unusable, and classroom equipment hopelessly out of date. Yet just across the Bay, in New Harbor, school facilities are up-to-date and in good condition. The difference is money; New Harbor spends twenty-seven percent more per student than Bayside does, and test scores and other indicators of student performance are stronger in New Harbor as well.
Tags: Section - Analytical Writing

This post was written by: Yousuf
who is working hard to post Math material from all over the world on Mathnews.
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1 Respones to "Section - Analytical Writing"
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September 1, 2016 at 9:18 AM
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