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Sentence Completion - Test 1

Sentence Completion - Test 1

A computer program can provide information in ways that force students to ______ learning instead of being merely ______ of knowledge.
  1. shore up .. reservoirs
  2. accede to .. consumers
  3. participate in .. recipients
  4. compensate for.. custodians
  5. profit from .. beneficiaries
The form and physiology of leaves vary according to the ______ in which they develop: for example, leaves display a wide range of adaptations to different degrees of light and moisture.
  1. relationship
  2. species
  3. sequence
  4. patterns
  5. environment
One theory about intelligence sees _______ as the logical structure underlying thinking and insists that since animals are mute, they must be _______ as well.
  1. behavior.. inactive
  2. instinct.. cooperative
  3. heredity.. thoughtful
  4. adaptation.. brutal
  5. language.. mindless
Though _______ in her personal life, Edna St. Vincent Millay was nonetheless _______ about her work, usually producing several pages of complicated rhyme in a day.
  1. jaded .. feckless
  2. verbose .. ascetic
  3. vain .. humble
  4. impulsive .. disciplined
  5. self-assured .. sanguine
The children's ---- natures were in sharp contrast to the even-tempered dispositions of their parents.
  1. mercurial
  2. blithe
  3. phlegmatic
  4. introverted
  5. artless
By _______ scientific rigor with a quantitative approach, researchers in the social sciences may often have _______ their scope to those narrowly circumscribed topics that are well suited to quantitative methods.
  1. undermining.. diminished
  2. equating.. enlarged
  3. vitiating.. expanded
  4. identifying.. limited
  5. imbuing.. broadened
As early as the seventeenth century, philosophers called attention to the ________ character of the issue, and their twentieth-century counterparts still approach it with _______.
  1. absorbing.. indifference
  2. unusual.. composure
  3. complex.. antipathy
  4. auspicious.. caution
  5. problematic.. uneasiness
Since most if not all learning occurs through ________, relating one observation to another, it would be strange indeed if the study of other cultures did not also illuminate the study of our own.
  1. assumptions
  2. experiments
  3. comparisons
  4. repetitions
  5. impressions
The new _______ of knowledge has created _______ people: everyone believes that his or her subject cannot and possibly should not be understood by others.
  1. specialization.. barriers between
  2. decline.. associations among
  3. redundancy.. complacency in
  4. disrepute.. concern for
  5. promulgation.. ignorance among
If a species of parasite is to survive, the host organisms must live long enough for the parasite to ______; if the host species becomes _______, so do its parasites.
  1. atrophy.. healthy
  2. reproduce.. extinct
  3. disappear.. widespread
  4. succumb.. nonviable
  5. mate.. infertile
The author argues for serious treatment of such arts as crochet and needlework, finding in too many art historians a cultural blindness _______ to their _______ textiles as a medium in which women artists pre- dominate.
  1. traceable.. prejudice against
  2. opposed.. distrust of
  3. referring.. need for
  4. reduced.. respect for
  5. corresponding.. expertise in
Those who fear the influence of television deliberately _______ its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated.
  1. promote
  2. underplay
  3. excuse
  4. laud
  5. suspect
Because the high seriousness of their narratives resulted in part from their metaphysics, Southern writers were praised for their ________ bent.
  1. technical
  2. discursive
  3. hedonistic
  4. philosophical
  5. scientific
Far from being ________, Pat was always ________ to appear acquiescent.
  1. unctuous.. loath
  2. brazen.. reluctant
  3. ignoble.. concerned
  4. obsequious.. eager
  5. gregarious.. willing

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