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Sentence Completions - iv

Name: Sentence Completions - iv
  1. No hero of ancient or modern times can surpass the Indian with his lofty contempt of death and the - with which he sustained the cruelest coffliction.
    1. guide
    2. assent
    3. reverence
    4. fortitude
    5. concern
    Ans :D
  2. The hostess attempted to - a romantic atmosphere that would bring the two young people together in -
    1. expand - fealty
    2. present - collusion
    3. simulate - conflict
    4. introduce - cacophony
    5. contrive - matrimony
    Ans :E
  3. Employers who retire people who are willing and able to continue working should realize that - age is not an effective - in determining whether an individual is capable of working.
    1. intellectual - criterion
    2. Chronological - criterion
    3. Physical - barrier
    4. deteriorating - value
    5. chronological - factor
    Ans :B
  4. As the sun rose, the morning mists were borne away on the - like strands of -
    1. whirlwind - flotsam
    2. wind - cactus
    3. morass - tundra
    4. zephyr - gossamer
    5. holocaust - taffeta
    Ans :D
  5. The playwright was known not for his original ideas that had been propounded by others.
    1. rejection
    2. consideration
    3. invention
    4. reiteration
    5. plagiarism
    Ans :E
  6. The gypsy girl, decked out in - finery, and with her disheveled hair streaming over shoulders, was indeed a - sight.
    1. verdant - wistful
    2. sartorial - flagrant
    3. specious - poignant
    4. tawdry - bizarre
    5. opulent - debonair
    Ans :D
  7. Yellow fever, the disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so - Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in - in the western hemisphere.
    1. disabled - quarantine
    2. decimated - abeyance
    3. terrorized - contention
    4. ravaged - secret
    5. coupled - quiescence
    Ans :B
  8. The painting was larger than it appeared to be, for hanging in a darkened recess of the chapel, it was - by the perspective.
    1. embellished
    2. improved
    3. jeopardised
    4. aggrandized
    5. diminished
    Ans :E
  9. We have in America - speech that is neither American, Oxford English, nor English but a - of all three.
    1. motley - miracle
    2. nasal - blend
    3. feigned - patchwork
    4. mangled - medley
    5. hybrid - combination
    Ans :E
  10. Old beliefs die hard, even when jobs become - the long - standing fear that unemployment could return at a moments notice -
    1. protected - subsided
    2. vacant - perished
    3. available - receded
    4. plentiful - persisted
    5. easier - charged
    Ans :D

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